Green salad with grilled talagani cheese, kalamata olives, Pine nuts and spearmint

Yield 4 


  • Baby rocket 100gr
  • Baby spinach 100gr
  • Kalamata olives 15-20 pieces
  • Talagani cheese 200 gr
  • Pine nuts 30 gr
  • Fresh spearmint 10 leaves
  • Extra virgin olive oil 40 ml
  • White vinegar 20 ml or according to taste
  • Salt


Cut the Talagani cheese in pieces (size according to taste). Drizzle a non-stick pan with a bit of olive oil and grill the cheese, until it starts melting and gets a golden color. In a bowl, combine rocket and spinach leaves, olives, chopped spearmint and pine nuts. Marinate with olive oil, vinegar and salt. Serve the salad in a bowl, with warm cheese on the side or cut in pieces around the salad. Serve warm, as an appetizer or accompanying a salad.