month : 02/2015 3 results

Salad with squid,beetroot,dill & cucumber yogurt dressing

Ingredients (serves 4) 320g fresh beetroot 320g squid 160g cucumber 120g strained yogurt Olympos 120g dill 80ml olive oil 1 fresh lemon Garlic Salt, Pepper Directions Clean and grate the beetroot. Cut the cucumber into half slices. Boil and slice the cleaned squid into rings. Sauté the rings in a little olive oil. Mix all the ingredients together. Make salad dressing with yoghurt, dill, lemon juice, olive oil, finely chopped or pressed garlic and pour over the salad.

Spinach & rocket salad with beetroot, feta cheese & honey dressing

Ingredients(serves 4) 240g fresh spinach leaves 120g rocket leaves 120g beetroot 200g feta cheese Olympos (or Manouri) 80g croûtons 120ml olive oil 40ml balsamic vinegar 80g honey Salt and Pepper Directions Clean the cooked fresh beetroot and slice into sticks. Wash and pat dry the salad leaves. Add to the serving bowl together with the beetroot and the croutons. Whisk together the olive oil, balsamic vinegar and honey, and drizzle over the salad. Cut the feta cheese ...