Potato Salad with orange, olives, rocket leaves, spring onions, olive oil & lemon dressing


  • Small, fresh potatoes 480gr
  • Orange wedges 200gr
  • Black olives, sliced in rings 80gr
  • Fresh rocket leaves 80gr
  • Spring onions 80gr
  • Olive oil 100ml
  • Juice of one lemon 30ml
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Parsley


Wash the potatoes thoroughly and boil them with their jackets on, in plenty of water. Once ready, let them cool and cut in cubes. Peel the oranges and segment them into wedges, trimming away the pith and the skin. Wash the rocket leaves thoroughly and chop the parsley. Gently stir all the ingredients into a bowl, except for the rocket leaves, adding salt, pepper, the olive oil and lemon juice dressing.


Serve with the rocket leaves garnished on top.