For the Region of Peloponnese, gastronomy and local cuisine constitute an essential part of the Peloponnesian economy, linking its two basic pillars: the primary sector and tourism._C4Q1290
As regards the sustainable development of the Peloponnese, a key parameter in our strategic planning is the connection of tourism and production. The Peloponnesian Basket is our added value in this effort. We combine local agricultural products of superior taste with unique empirical products from every corner of the Peloponnese.
Our aim is to create a distinct Peloponnesian Basket filled with quality products, flavours and unique, mythical experiences that the contemporary visitor will be able to enjoy when he visits.
We will show our visitor to the famous Nemea and Mantineia vineyards in Corinthia and Arcadia, and the excellent cultivations of Messinia, Laconia and Argolida. We will introduce him to our wine and olive oil which give rise to numerous flavours and recipes: pasteli, laggites (pancakes), oil pies, grape-molasses cookies, as well as figs, grapes, Vatikiotika onions, Argitiko melons, citrus fruits from Evrotas valley, famous honey from Mani, currants from Korinth and Tsakonian eggplants.
These ingredients are behind dozens of delicacies, which the visitor will discover through gastronomic mapping, at authentic taverns and restaurants, small shops with local products from small producers, oil mills and wineries, or thanks to the many professionals who honour the history and tradition of Peloponnesian tastes.
We will show our visitor to the Festival of Tzakonia, the Wine Festival in Nemea, the Festival of Agro-tourism in Epidaurus, the Feast of Fig in Polylofos, the Festival of Olive and Oil in Selasia, all of them impressive and unique.
And demonstrate our unique historical monuments and our cultural heritage: Ancient Corinth, Epidaurus, Mykines, Ancient Tegea, Ancient Messina and Mystras, for centuries assimilated in this natural environment of rare beauty. Welcome to the Peloponnese.
